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Aviation Aerospace

Views: 0     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-07-05      Origin: Site


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Forgings for landing gear and its supporting beam, frame of cabin doors, wings and frames etc.

We have the ability to manufacture more than 90% of the forgings on an airplane.

Engine mount forgings, engine casings, turbine discs, shafts, blades and other forgings.  We have the ability to manufacture more than 90% of the forgings on an airplane engine.

Contact Us

WhatsApp:  0086-159 9562 1913
Tel:  0086-512-55105768
E-mail:  jia@ksxinan.com
Add:  Zhoushi Town,Kunshan City,Jiangsu Province,China
  • Zhoushi Town,Kunshan City,Jiangsu Province,China
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